être au courant - определение. Что такое être au courant
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Что (кто) такое être au courant - определение

Courant (disambiguation); The Courant

Leydse Courant         
  • Leydse Courant issue from 1795
Leydsche Courant; Leidse Courant; Leidsche Courant
The Leydse Courant was a Dutch newspaper published from 1688 through 1992, initially only in Leiden and region and eventually it covered the entire province of South Holland. This catholic publication was one of the earlier newspapers in the Netherlands.
Être Dieu         
Etre Dieu
Être Dieu: opéra-poème, audiovisuel et cathare en six parties (French for "Being God: a Cathar Audiovisual Opera-Poem in Six Parts") is a self-proclaimed "opera-poem" written by Spanish surrealist painter Salvador Dalí, based on a libretto by Manuel Vázquez Montalbán with music by French avant-garde musician Igor Wakhévitch. It was originally published in 1985.
The Boston Courant         
The boston courant; Boston Courant
The Boston Courant was a weekly newspaper in Boston, whose coverage focused on issues of local interest to the Back Bay, Beacon Hill, Downtown, Fenway, South End, and Waterfront neighborhoods. It had a circulation of over 40,000.



Courant may refer to:

  • Hexham Courant, a weekly newspaper in Northumberland, England
  • The New-England Courant, an American newspaper, founded in Boston in 1721
  • Hartford Courant, a newspaper in the United States, founded in 1764
  • Courant (surname)
  • Courant, Charente-Maritime, a commune in France
  • Courant, in heraldry, signifying a running animal with all four paws raised - see Attitude (heraldry)#Courant
  • The Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences at New York University
  • Courant, an alternative spelling for the Baroque dance form, courante
  • The Courant–Friedrichs–Lewy condition (CFL condition) in mathematics
  • Richard Courant (1888–1972), German mathematician